Tag Archives: Tax Tips

Growing your business – taxation terms to be aware of!

Growing your business – taxation terms to be aware of! Hello from CF Unreal hurling final, not so much for the quality but the sheer drama of it all!  Limerick winning handy, the weight and wait of 45 years, 8 minutes on the board for injury time, Galway realising that if we don’t do something

Tax Tips Prior To Year End Part 1

Tax Tips Prior To Year End Part 1   Deciding how much you need to pay The Taxman every year is no fun. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. But how can you save a bit of your tax bill this year? Have no fear, Comerford Foley is here! Home Renovation Incentive – [HRI]  Who

Confused by the Company Annual Return? Don’t be Late!

Confused by the Company Annual Return? Don’t be Late!  We are in the middle of the silly season for filing – company tax returns, personal tax returns and Accounts filing. In the middle of all that is something called the Annual Return or Form B1 for companies. The Annual Return records standing data on a

Tax relief on Medical Expenses

Tax relief on Medical Expenses Most of us normal folks incur medical expenses from time to time on prescriptions, doctors, consultants and various other costs for dentists and opticians. Therefore I thought it would be useful to give a small bit of insight into what you can claim for and what is not allowed. It