Tag Archives: Invest in bookkeeping

Outsourced Finance Department

CF team

From head-wrecking agony to an outsourced finance department. There must be nifty ways to leave your bookkeeper. Meet Stan, Roy, Gus, and Lee Murphy. They have an engineering company called SRGL Industries Ltd [the company]. Dave is their bookkeeping & admin guy. And what’s more awkward is that he’s Lee’s brother-in-law. Let’s look at The

The Business Journey

The Business Journey

I’m going to tell you about the business journey of Jack and Diane. “A little ditty about Jack and Diane Two Irish kids growing up in this heartland” While this is a business journey it’s also a love story. Given the day that’s in it, love and business collide and thrive. Let’s delve deeper into

Don’t Do Your Own Payroll

Payroll t-shirt - just another day in payroll

Whatever you do “don’t do your own payroll”, I told Mary a potential client on Wednesday. We’ll look at some of the reasons why I think that’s good advice. Mary is an educated lady but isn’t a payroll specialist. But surely there can’t be that much to it? Oh, there is, and more. Let’s look

Revenue Profile Interview

Mary O’Leary had a Revenue Profile Interview earlier this month. Mary is an auctioneer. It was mid-July and Mary was sitting in her office after her morning coffee on the seafront. Pat, the friendly postman, drops the day’s mail on the desk, and off he saunters again. Mary has half switched off as her holiday

Investing in the Numbers

Bookkeeping. Investing in the numbers.

I want to show you how investing in the numbers can add value to your business. That can make you richer and make everyone happier. Including Revenue. What sparked this idea was a call from my friend Johnny this morning at 8.20. “Well Johnny, what’s up”? “I’ve to tax the van and I need to

Selling Our Services

a client meeting

I was on a webinar yesterday that got me thinking about selling our services. How do we sell them, as in our sales process, and our perceptions about price, value, and affordability? What does the client expect and what do they think about the service they’ll get? The webinar was about Income Protection and what

Business Problems Create Personal Problems

Building a house

This week I want to explain how business problems create personal problems. I had a meeting on Wednesday afternoon with Niall. There was one major thing he wanted to achieve in the next few years. And it wasn’t a business goal but a personal one. It got me thinking about how the business interacts with

Transform Your Business With Dext

Dext modern accounting toolkit

You can transform your business with Dext by going digital. In your business, time is money. Every hour of productivity counts and the hours you spend swamped under financial admin impact your bottom line. The solution? Cut out clunky manual processes and replace them with slick, automated systems to free up hours every month. It

What Can I Claim VAT Back On?

VAT return

What can I claim VAT back on is a common question posed to us. The bookkeeping team here is well-versed in claiming VAT back for clients. They do this every two months for most clients and VAT can be quite a complex area with all the different rules. There will always be queries when it

Bookkeeping – Outsource or Die

Paper everywhere

A catchy title. Bookkeeping – Outsource or Die is the title of a book. We were working with a business coach for accountants in the UK and the guest speaker Mark wrote it. He was a UK national living in the Philippines. He and his team provided outsourcing solutions to UK accountants. Successful and smart,