Tag Archives: Business journey

The Business Journey

The Business Journey

I’m going to tell you about the business journey of Jack and Diane. “A little ditty about Jack and Diane Two Irish kids growing up in this heartland” While this is a business journey it’s also a love story. Given the day that’s in it, love and business collide and thrive. Let’s delve deeper into

Why are you in Business?


Why are you in business? Do we ever ask ourselves that question? Imagine you are in a room with no phone, total silence, and a pen and paper on a table in front of you. What is your answer to that question? What do you write down? We live in a manic world where we

Getting help growing your business

Our Hero Jeff In our last blog, we spoke about our values and what they mean to us, and how they underpin the way we work with our clients. In case you missed it see here. This week we will talk about our hero Jeff, our accountancy coach and how you can get help with

Setting Up A Business – Company or Sole Trader?

Good morning all, and dare I say it, but the day is looking positive. Not exactly fry an egg on a stone but there’s some heat in it! It’s fantastic to see a bit of positivity about the place. The vaccines are getting out there and people are very excited to get them. My sister,

Options To Exit My Business – Part 1

It’s a nice calm day in Tramore. Although there is a lonely wave or two creeping over the prom wall. Waiting to engulf an unsuspecting passerby. The Metalman is visible and surveying the bay for early morning swimmers. All that is missing is a whistle and a warning light to assume the role of an

Extracting Value from your company – The Pensions Journey

Last week we had a look at the Covid Restricted Support Scheme [CRSS] In case you missed it Read here Pensions, some people love them, and some people hate them. They are often very misunderstood. The purpose of this blog is to look at a pensions journey through your company. It will attempt to take

The modern accountant vs. the traditional accountant

It’s a battle for the ages. Like Ali v Frazier, or Federer v Nadal. Just less sweaty. The modern accountant vs. the traditional accountant. Who wins? Here we make a case for the former. Ding, ding. Round one. The traditional accountant is someone very much set in their ways. They’re not quite blowing the dust