Tag Archives: Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping – Don’t Miss Out

Father and son

Bookkeeping —Don’t Miss Out. But miss out on what? I would call them missed opportunities, both personal and business. I had an interesting call with Jon yesterday afternoon. He was recently let go from his IT job with a large company. He wasn’t a lover of the job and was planning a career change. Working

Revenue Focus Areas – Business Division

All looking eye

This week, we will discuss Revenue focus areas for clients in their Business Division. We’ll touch on who is in the business division, so you’ll know if you are in or out. Our main discussion is around Revenue activities in 2024. Many of the 2024 focus areas will continue into 2025. Let’s look at Revenue

Why are you in Business?


Why are you in business? Do we ever ask ourselves that question? Imagine you are in a room with no phone, total silence, and a pen and paper on a table in front of you. What is your answer to that question? What do you write down? We live in a manic world where we

Revenue Interventions

Death and Taxes

The theme of this blog is Revenue interventions and the sectors where they get extra cash. Extra cash means the tax owed, plus the interest & penalties. Revenue love interventions in the construction industry. One could say it’s an obsession of theirs. Yet, it’s rental and the professions that they get most of their money

Travel Expenses and Proper Records

Euro cash notes

This week we’ll look at travel expenses and proper records to pay them without deducting tax. Expenses for travel and subsistence is a focus area for Revenue. What isn’t a focus area for Revenue these days? I’ll introduce you to Slim Milkman who had a run-in with Revenue. They wanted €300,000 from Slim’s company for

Proper Books and Records

Miley Sirus didn’t keep proper books and records. Sure, he only had a modest income and couldn’t afford a professional bookkeeper. Is that last sentence a fact or is it fiction? Let’s explore what Revenue wanted, the money at play, and the result of the case. I will introduce you to Miley Sirus The Appeal

Transform Your Business With Dext

Dext modern accounting toolkit

You can transform your business with Dext by going digital. In your business, time is money. Every hour of productivity counts and the hours you spend swamped under financial admin impact your bottom line. The solution? Cut out clunky manual processes and replace them with slick, automated systems to free up hours every month. It

Bookkeeping – Do You Need Help?

Bookkeeping process

With bookkeeping do you need help? Gone are the days when one person can keep on top of all the changes coming thick and fast. Arriving like an express train into your inbox from the well-oiled Revenue machine. Let’s look at What is bookkeeping? Current system The good, the bad & the ugly Time for

Keeping Proper Books & Records

Tax man chasing a business woman

Keeping proper books & records is the law. It’s not something that is nice to do or something you’d like to do. It’s a must and is something that can give you very valuable commodities. Those commodities are money, time, and confidence. When I say it’s the law, there are plenty of pages and sections

How will cloud accounting help my business?


In 2024, using spreadsheets for your business accounting is clunky and inefficient. Desktop-based programs like Excel require extra hours and effort that could be spent developing your business. The answer? Digital accounting software. When operated correctly, this cloud-based technology streamlines your finances and yields reliable data you can use to your advantage. Let’s look at