Tag Archives: advantages of good bookkeeping

Benefits of Outsourcing your Bookkeeping

Accountant helping business woman

2022 is the year that we begin to restructure and gather our bearings after the chaos of the last 2 years. We know from the last 2 years that a lot of things are not foreseeable, but we all want to prepare now more than ever. Today we look at how bookkeeping can make your

Bookkeeping Is An Investment

Last week we looked at two cases for Entrepreneur Relief claims. One case would get it and the other not. In case you missed it See here. This week we are going to look at bookkeeping. Why a good bookkeeping function is an investment in your business and what does it look like. What are

Bookkeeping : Getting it right from the start

It’s all about the bookkeeping! There’s an old Irish saying – “Tus maith, leath na hoibre” which translates to “a good start means half the work” and this is so true when it comes to accountancy and bookkeeping.  If books and records are maintained on a regular basis, then the figures are always easily and