Category Archives: Tax Tips

Non-resident Landlords – How to return my income?

Things on the political front are quite crazy across the water and the uncertainty isn’t good for anyone, so hopefully a workable solution for all will be the final outcome. Teresa May is one formidable lady and must be under severe pressure. On the sporting side of things the writer is extremely happy about the

You Ask, We Answer – “Don’t Do Your Own……!”

You Ask, We Answer – Don’t Do Your Own.. We were chatting in the office yesterday and we all agreed that it’s a “funny” time of year in that people tend to get a bit stressed out and act a bit abnormal around this time compared to other times in the year. I can’t put

PRSI on my rental profit as a non-resident landlord

We are continuing our series of posts about what you need to know when it comes to your taxes. These posts are based on real-world questions that we’ve been asked by clients. So, if you need help with anything specific, send us an email and let us know! This week’s focuses on a question we

Tax Tips Prior To Year End Part 1

Tax Tips Prior To Year End Part 1   Deciding how much you need to pay The Taxman every year is no fun. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. But how can you save a bit of your tax bill this year? Have no fear, Comerford Foley is here! Home Renovation Incentive – [HRI]  Who

Taxes in my Food Business!

Taxes in my Food Business! Thankfully the weather is super as the hurling followers in Waterford, Kilkenny and Tipperary have had their pride dented in the last few weeks. At least things are looking very rosy for our neighbours in Wexford with a great victory over the Cats and Tadhg Furlong getting the nod for

Tax relief on Medical Expenses

Tax relief on Medical Expenses Most of us normal folks incur medical expenses from time to time on prescriptions, doctors, consultants and various other costs for dentists and opticians. Therefore I thought it would be useful to give a small bit of insight into what you can claim for and what is not allowed. It