Category Archives: Choosing an accountant

Outsourced Finance Department

CF team

From head-wrecking agony to an outsourced finance department. There must be nifty ways to leave your bookkeeper. Meet Stan, Roy, Gus, and Lee Murphy. They have an engineering company called SRGL Industries Ltd [the company]. Dave is their bookkeeping & admin guy. And what’s more awkward is that he’s Lee’s brother-in-law. Let’s look at The

Can my company help me buy a home?

Buying a new home

The question can my company help me buy a home popped up recently. When you think of it your company pays for your home. Your net salary pays the monthly mortgage. But what about the initial purchase of your home? Yes, it can help with that too. I’ll introduce you to Alex Dublin and his

Revenue Focus Areas for 2025

Income Tax and Tax Files

Our last blog was about Revenue focus areas for 2024 that will continue into 2025. But our Revenue friends have made things very clear for us with a specific list of focus areas for 2025 too. They will increase the pressure on non-responders to queries and intervention letters. Their view is this sort of behaviour

Why are you in Business?


Why are you in business? Do we ever ask ourselves that question? Imagine you are in a room with no phone, total silence, and a pen and paper on a table in front of you. What is your answer to that question? What do you write down? We live in a manic world where we

Income Tax Return Season

Tax return season

Yesterday, November 14th, was the last day of the Income Tax return season to file your 2023 return. It wasn’t a day of panic in the Comerford Foley office. Firstly, we weren’t in the office, as we were working remotely. Plus, the team had everything under control, although there were a few loose ends to

Latest Update from Revenue

Audit compliance activity

Get the latest update from Revenue. Newsflash. Find out their focus areas so they can take more money out of your pocket. As an organisation, they are brilliant at what they do. Collecting taxes is the game and we are all saints and sinners in the match. The saints are the good lads who pay

Collection Agent Service

Rental property letting agreement

We provide a collection agent service to our non-resident landlord clients. We’ll talk about what the service is, why you need it, and what we do and don’t do. Plus, we’ll give you an example of how it all works. The main focus points will be Non-resident landlord What we do What we don’t do

Tax Wish List for 2025

Making a wish

I know a tax wish list for 2025 doesn’t set the pulses racing like Tom Cruise jumping from the roof of Stade de France. Or a new David Beckham line of underwear. But the small things keep us happy and small tax changes can put more cash in our pockets. Enough to fund some of

Revenue Profile Interview

Mary O’Leary had a Revenue Profile Interview earlier this month. Mary is an auctioneer. It was mid-July and Mary was sitting in her office after her morning coffee on the seafront. Pat, the friendly postman, drops the day’s mail on the desk, and off he saunters again. Mary has half switched off as her holiday

Selling Our Services

a client meeting

I was on a webinar yesterday that got me thinking about selling our services. How do we sell them, as in our sales process, and our perceptions about price, value, and affordability? What does the client expect and what do they think about the service they’ll get? The webinar was about Income Protection and what