Category Archives: Business Tips

11 tips for Business Owners to help increase profits!

11 tips for Business Owners to help increase profits! Goals – have a goal and a plan in place as to how you are trying to achieve this Goal. Make sure it is a stretch, that people would think you are crazy if you said it out load but that most importantly YOU believe you

My Business Loans have been Sold – What happens Now!

My Business Loans have been Sold – What happens Now! The sale of business loans is a very real issue facing businesses in Ireland today. A legacy of the financial crash, it is important that if you are impacted by such a sale you understand what this means and the options open to you. The

It’s all about the numbers!

It’s all about the numbers! While you could spend hours and several pages trying to explain what business is about, in essence it comes down to profits. The only way of knowing the profitability of your business at any stage is to have a real understanding of the numbers. As one of our more entrepreneurial

The fear factor with accounting: ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it’

The fear factor with accounting: ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ Are you scared of changing to a new accountant? It’s something we hear a lot from businesses in Ireland: a fear factor associated with moving to a new adviser. You may realise that your existing accountant isn’t quite delivering everything that they could

Shareholder agreements: why your small or family business needs one

Shareholder agreements: why your small or family business needs one When you’re at the start of a business’s life cycle, the last thing on everyone’s mind will be disputes, a change in shareholders or even the failure of the business. These are scenarios that you hope will either never apply, or will occur at a

Future of SME Sector Accountancy Services

Future of SME Sector Accountancy Services The traditional Accountancy service provided by practices to SME’s is compliance focused. The main aspects of such a service are: Ensuring your tax return is completed on time and you know your tax liability Completing and filing year-end accounts Preparing annual returns for submission to the Companies Registration Office

Planning for the future – the importance of forecasting

Planning for the future – the importance of forecasting The New Year is just around the corner, so there’s an increased urgency to get on top of your 2016 planning and to start thinking about the future of your business. With the real-time numbers provided by modern cloud accounting software, such as Xero online accounting,