Category Archives: Business Tips

Business Owners – Tax Tips for 2021

We are almost there where we can say goodbye to one of the worst months ever. Adios January we won’t miss you. Apart from the extension to level 5 until March let’s hope that February will be a better month. We need to get the small ones back to school and if we can continue

Company Directors – What salary do I need?

We are dragging ourselves through January which was best described by a friend as a very bland month. We will persevere and hope is on the horizon. Great to see numbers dropping in a small way. It’s fantastic to see healthcare workers and people in nursing homes getting vaccinated. It would be a major plus

Business Supports – What’s out there?

We are halfway through January. The weather has picked up, so we only need 3 layers for the walks. Dry January didn’t start and watching Ireland’s fittest family is the closest I have come to sweat. But there is hope on the sporting front. Man Utd have found themselves top of the Premier League and

10 Things to know about the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme

Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme

This week our focus is on the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme [EWSS] and the 10 main things to know about this scheme. In our last blog we focused on tax tips to put more money in your pocket. In case you missed it See here What is the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS)? It is

How to choose your accountant

Last week we spoke about a brilliant webinar from Business All Stars. Sean Gallagher was the guest speaker and he was exceptional. To find out many nuggets of wisdom from him Read here This week we look at some of the main things you should look out for when choosing an accountant for your company.

Business insights from Sean Gallagher

Last week we spoke about planning for 2021. To find out more about “I love it when a plan comes together” Read here I was on a webinar yesterday organised by Business All Stars. The guest speaker was Sean Gallagher. Sean is well known in Irish business circles as a very successful entrepreneur. He ran

I love it when a plan comes together

Those of you old enough may remember Hannibal from The A-Team. He was the cigar-smoking, black-gloved leader who thrived on adventure and planning. With Murdock, Faceman and Mr T, they got into and out of many life-threatening adventures. And when the plan came together the cigars came out. Last week we looked at a pension’s

Losses in your company – how to use them

Hi there. Last week we spoke about the warehousing of non-Covid-19 tax debt. The deadline to warehouse is the 30th of this month. In case you missed it Read here This week we are going to look at losses in your company and how to use them to help you limit your tax liability. The

10 things to know when setting up a company – Part 2

This is our second blog on 10 things you need to know when setting up a company. If you didn’t get a chance to see the first one read here An interesting webinar I saw recently was from the School of Family business in DCU. Professor James Davis spoke about 2 things that he saw