Category Archives: Business Tips

Benefits of Outsourcing your Bookkeeping

Accountant helping business woman

2022 is the year that we begin to restructure and gather our bearings after the chaos of the last 2 years. We know from the last 2 years that a lot of things are not foreseeable, but we all want to prepare now more than ever. Today we look at how bookkeeping can make your

Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Business Formation

business into a company

Last week we spoke about Our hero Jeff when we first started working with an accountancy coach in the UK. We learned about the business journey and Jeff’s numbers. See here  This week we will talk about a meeting I had with Judy who was looking to discuss business formation. We will look at Judy’s

Exiting Your Company – You have choices

Anyway, enough of my meanderings and down to business. Last week we looked at Income Tax returns and how we are changing the way we do things this year. This will benefit clients and us. In case you missed it see here. This week we are going to look at a very interesting conversation I

Cars and Benefit in Kind. What Do I Pay?

Last week our blog was on Thinking Time for 2022 and its focus was 5 issues for business owners to consider. In case you missed it see here. This week we are going to look at all things cars and benefit in kind. New car registrations peak in the early months of the year. Many

Things Not to Do in Business or You’re Dead

I went out for a run yesterday morning. My last hard training run before the Belfast marathon on Sunday week. The plan was a 1 mile warm up and a 1 mile cool down but 10 fast miles between the easy ones. The 10 fast weren’t as fast as I wanted them to be. During

Should I buy an electric car through my company?

buy an electric car

  This week a client’s query provided the idea for our blog. Our client is looking to buy an electric car through their company and he had a few queries around BIK, grants, etc. Should you buy an electric car? We will look at Why an Electric Vehicle [EV] Benefit in Kind [BIK] Charging equipment

Tax Strategy For Your Business – Part 2

Tax Strategy for a limited company

Last week we looked at a Tax Strategy for a sole trader/partnership business. In case you missed it see here This week we will look at a Tax Strategy for a limited company. The main topics we will cover are Company set-up – getting it right Transferring a sole trader business to a company Salary,

Tax Strategy For Your Business

Tax Strategy For Your Business

Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at a Tax Strategy for your business. We will start with a sole trader/partnership and look at a limited company next week. The reason for this is to give you some ideas in this space. You want your business to be as lean and efficient

Family Wages – Keeping It In The Family

We are back after a week off. I was moving house, so packing, cleaning, and scrubbing took preference to our weekly blog. I still managed to indulge in plenty of chocolate on Easter Sunday though! I haven’t gone far, only up the hill in Tramore, so my sea view has gone. I do a bit

Options To Exit My Business – Part 1

It’s a nice calm day in Tramore. Although there is a lonely wave or two creeping over the prom wall. Waiting to engulf an unsuspecting passerby. The Metalman is visible and surveying the bay for early morning swimmers. All that is missing is a whistle and a warning light to assume the role of an