Author Archives: Colin Comerford

Bookkeeping – Don’t Miss Out

Father and son

Bookkeeping —Don’t Miss Out. But miss out on what? I would call them missed opportunities, both personal and business. I had an interesting call with Jon yesterday afternoon. He was recently let go from his IT job with a large company. He wasn’t a lover of the job and was planning a career change. Working

Poor Tax Compliance will cost you

Very stressed man

I will outline how poor tax compliance will cost you money. Plus, time. What you don’t know can create an issue when dealing with Revenue. The best way to let you know what I’m harping on about is to discuss a recent case. The figures involved are eye-watering. A taxpayer gets involved in a mess

Residential Premises Rental Income Relief

Green door of a rental property

Residential Premises Rental Income Relief [RPRIR] is a new tax relief for landlords. It is only available to individual landlords and isn’t available to companies, trusts, or partnerships. RPRIR is a relatively new relief, and it applies for the four tax years 2024 to 2027. 2025 is the first year to claim the relief for

Ten Tips when Setting up a Company


I will give you ten tips when setting up a company in Ireland. The idea is to help you understand more about what you are getting into. I don’t mean this in a negative way. It’s more about what to look out for and to help you avoid things that can trip you up. The

Can my company help me buy a home?

Buying a new home

The question can my company help me buy a home popped up recently. When you think of it your company pays for your home. Your net salary pays the monthly mortgage. But what about the initial purchase of your home? Yes, it can help with that too. I’ll introduce you to Alex Dublin and his

The Business Journey

The Business Journey

I’m going to tell you about the business journey of Jack and Diane. “A little ditty about Jack and Diane Two Irish kids growing up in this heartland” While this is a business journey it’s also a love story. Given the day that’s in it, love and business collide and thrive. Let’s delve deeper into

Company Director’s Loans

Judge ruling on a case and setting a fine

Let’s look under the bonnet of a Company Director’s Loans. I’ll introduce you to the stars of this courtroom drama. We discussed some of the issues that come up in this case in a blog from 2018. Can I borrow money from my Company is worth a read if you want to get more detail

Revenue Focus Areas for 2025

Income Tax and Tax Files

Our last blog was about Revenue focus areas for 2024 that will continue into 2025. But our Revenue friends have made things very clear for us with a specific list of focus areas for 2025 too. They will increase the pressure on non-responders to queries and intervention letters. Their view is this sort of behaviour

Revenue Focus Areas – Business Division

All looking eye

This week, we will discuss Revenue focus areas for clients in their Business Division. We’ll touch on who is in the business division, so you’ll know if you are in or out. Our main discussion is around Revenue activities in 2024. Many of the 2024 focus areas will continue into 2025. Let’s look at Revenue

Why are you in Business?


Why are you in business? Do we ever ask ourselves that question? Imagine you are in a room with no phone, total silence, and a pen and paper on a table in front of you. What is your answer to that question? What do you write down? We live in a manic world where we